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Pro Tools Studio Perpetual (Upgrade)

Pro Tools Studio Perpetual (Upgrade)

Features & System requirements

Perpetual licence version.
This is a one-time purchase that grants you access to the software licence forever. It also includes 12 months of AVID™s Support and Updates plan. This means that for a full year after activating your software, you™ ll have access to support directly from AVID, and will be able to upgrade to the latest versions via download as soon as they are released. After the initial 12 months you can renew the Support and Updates plan, and there is also an option to re-start a plan after it has expired.


Get everything you need to make beats, write songs, record vocals and instruments, and mix studio-quality music that’s ready to be heard across the world’s most popular streaming platforms. Pro Tools makes music creation fast and fluid, providing the GRAMMY® winning toolset and plugins the pros use to create your favorite songs and albums.


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